Fields of application of DELPHIN
Detailed thermal bridges
Detailed calculation of thermal bridges
Interior insulation
Detailed calculation and dimensioning of interior insulation
Ventilated roofs / facades
Modelling of ventilated facades and roofs and moisture loads
Moisture damages
Assessment of moisture damages in constructions and at surfaces
Geothermal energy
Evaluation of ground collectors and probes
Detaillierte Wärmebrücken
Screenshots DELPHIN
Function overview DELPHIN
For use in planning/engineering practice
- Thermal bridge calculation with assessment of hygric problem areas (surface condensate, internal condensate)
- Dimensioning and evaluation of interior insulation systems
- Assessment of ventilated facades , ventilated roofs
- Transient calculation of the year-round heating energy requirement (taking into account the moisture-dependent thermal conductivities )
- Drying (basement, building moisture, flood, …)
- Calculation of mold growth criteria
- … and other applications
Vielfältige Klima & Randbedingungen
- Rising damp with height-dependent pressure
- Climate database included
- Inclusion of various types of radiation (e.g. long- and short-wave, diffuse/direct etc.), driving rain or air pressure possible
- Use of any (own) climate
- Import of climate formats possible: TRY, IWEC, TMY2, WAC/HRY
- Locally very finely resolved assignment of climate possible, e.g. in joints
- Import of climate data from our own room climate calculations (Software Therakles)
- Definition of only temporary influences (climate or accident) possible
- Gravity can be taken into account
- Cooling of surfaces by runof rain
Extensive material databases
- Accurately checked, verified material functions
- Variable material properties
- New material properties and materials can be defined
- Detailed information on all material properties possible
- Extensive material database included
- Three-dimensional, anisotropic material properties (DELPHIN 6 only)
Use for geothermal design
- Simulation of near-surface geothermal energy: geothermal collectors and geothermal probes
- Consideration of heat and moisture transport in the soil as well as ice formation, groundwater flow, ambient climate and precipitation.
- 2D and 3D geometry as well as any arrangement possible (multi-layer collector, installation under buildings, geothermal probe fields)
- Database with all 34 soil types according to KA5 or DIN 4220 and detailed parameters (moisture-dependent thermal conductivity, suction stress curve and liquid water conductivity)
- Pipe flow model for calculation of fluid temperature in geothermal collectors and borehole heat exchangers
Detailed problem considerations
- Definition of any initial conditions
- Arrangement of time-dependent moisture and heat sources in constructions, e.g. due to accidents)
- Very flexible creation and assignment of result outputs (monitor points)
- Modeling of wall or floor heating or ceiling cooling possible
- Inclusion of pipe flows
- Arrangement of air exchange rates in air-filled cavities of the construction
- Definition of contact conditions in the construction (liquid water resistance or vapor transport resistance)
- Consideration of external long-term storage
- Long-wave radiation exchange in cavities
- Air flow model included
- Ingress of moisture through leaks in wooden structures based on WTA leaflet 6-2
- Regulation of the water balance in flat roofs
- Inclusion of PCM materials (currently in progress)
Large selection of outputs and visualizations
- Very flexible, versatile creation of diagrams and 2D and 3D images
- Very large range of result outputs: temperature, humidity, water quantities, water content in vol%, m% etc., degree of saturation, ice formation, capillary pressure, over-hygroscopic humidity, sources of heat and moisture and much more
- Calculation of freeze-thaw cycles
- Calculation of mold growth according to the VTT model (Viitanen)
- Calculation of wood destruction according to the VTT model (Viitanen)
- Calculation of wood degradation by fungi according to WTA leaflet 6-8
- Output of energy, moisture (vapor and liquid water) and air flows
- Isopleth systems with regard to mold and wood degradation
- Laminar air flow in areas of the construction
More functions
- One, two and rotationally symmetrical three-dimensional (DELPHIN 5) or fully three-dimensional calculations (DELPHIN 6)
- Several calculations can run simultaneously
- Scripting possible by creating “batch” files
- Automatic or manual discretization possible
- Consideration of VOC transport possible
- Any start time can be specified
- Project files editable with text editor